In this stage we seek to develop the points related to the changes introduced by the digitalization in the organization of the company or institution. New roles, functions, activities derived from the change towards a digital transformation. The evolution towards new collaborative work methodologies, with less hierarchical and flexible organizational structures and a greater adaptation of the competencies of the employees to the new requirements and the impact on the governing bodies of the companies or institutions to consider aspects such as the government of information, data and models, the government of technology areas, as well as the implications derived from cybersecurity or the protection of personal data. This is intended to help those responsible for making decisions, determine the digital impact on their business models and support. Subsequently, the main stages that could be executed to build a transformation plan that considers the digital dimension are addressed. Finally, certain specific considerations are exposed according to the business or institution’s heading, as well as the actors of the digital transformation. Public administrators, citizens, employees of private companies, clients, etc. etc.